Sunday, August 12, 2012

Condition of three churches in a town

I'll leave the town unnamed. Before arriving that town we tried our best to find Christian leaders but we did not get anyone. The town seems to be located in a strategic places where four roads meet. Without having any person to meet we head on, hoping to meet some there.

Search for churches
On arriving, we inquired around whether there are churches in the town. Finally an auto driver took us. It was in a slum area and a cross was visible on top. A narrow street leads to that church. The place really smell bad and all dirt around. Pastor was not there but an elderly man met us. A very kind man, he asked whether we had place to stay and whether we need food. We learned from him that there are three churches in that town. He directed to the other two churches and we went to see them.

We went to the other churches, just one km from there. There was no visible sign on the roof, slightly away from the road. We asked nearby the road. No one knew. Undaunted we kept on searching. After a long walk around, a boy told us there is something happening in a place. He pointed to us to a direction. Having a potential direction, we went on. There was a group of man standing along a small road. We asked again. By then we were close to the church. They pointed us to a building and we went. When we reached that building it didn't look like a church. Just a small, like a single bedroom. No church symbols, nor open space. It was also in a slum. We met the keeper of the church and found there are about 50 believers worship there. Pastor was away and we could not meet him either.

Finally, we went on to hunt for the last church. We heard it was near the bus stop. By now we got a pattern - churches in this town are in slums. We looked for slum areas. We just walked and walked and did not find even though we passed a slum area. We turned back to double check. We already passed and there the church was, a concrete building in a slum area. No bikes could go in, expect walk in. We went upto the door of the church and it was locked and did not see the pastor either.

I was slightly sad that churches are located in slums. It seems very unlikely that those not from slum may come to the church doors, because it smells really bad. Especially unbelievers will not even walk that side. Aesthetic aspect is missing.

The town will find very helpful to have a proper church building so that all sections of society can come in and worship. Such a place will be able to host occasional visitors and invite them to come together.

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