Sunday, August 12, 2012

Met key person

On 9 August 2012, I met the man who brought me into Bible translation related ministry. I had first contact with him in 2002. We exchanged some correspondence for me to join that ministry.

It was not possible in 2002 to be in ministry because I had decided to take further studies for another two years. On completing my course I again contacted him for the possibility to join the training for Bible translation related.

He made it happen. He arranged my training. I didn't have much money to pay but covered everything until I was fully prepared to serve in ministry.

Those days he was the main organizer for the training. Occasionally he shows up in the campus and then goes back again to his field. Sometimes he counselled the students. That's been the pattern.

After the completing the training, I haven't seen him much. One time we met in Hyderabad in 2006. Since then I haven't seen him at all.

Out of the blue, we happen to see him this trip. It was a great pleasure and thrilling experience. For the first time I saw the village he had been living, gap in between, for the last 29 years! A man who had a long missionary carrier as translator and leader in his organization, continue to live a simple lifestyle in a village.

Some of the observations was interesting and inspiring too.

  • He and his wife live in a small house in the village. One bed room and a kitchen. Kitchen was leaking at the time (it rained whole day).
  • There is no door to their house. No other house also has door. I heard there was no theft in their house so far. 
  • Most of the time there is no electricity because a separate connection is not available yet. So they share with a family.  
More than asking for information, for me the most inspiring moment is that I met the person who made a huge difference in my life. If he had not connected and trained me, I don't know whether I'll ever be in this ministry.

I'll cherish this visit in my life.

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