Sunday, August 05, 2012

Name of Jesus

Today we attended an Assembly of God Church at Daman. The pastor shared a very good thought from Acts chapter 3.

The context is about Peter and John  going to the temple for prayer when they met a lame beggar. As usual the beggar asked them for money. But Peter looked at him and said "Look at us". The beggar paid full attention, expecting something. Here is something Peter said that is amazing. He said:
  • I have no silver of gold.
  • But what I have I give to you. 
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazarene, stand up.
We know what happened. The lame beggar stood and became normal. Peter has Jesus' name with him at all the time. And he knew that well. Its amazing to realize that truth.

Paul said in similar lines in I Corinthians 2:2, "For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified". His intention is to let the Corinthians know Jesus. Nothing else.

I don't know how the next comment relate to the above. And I also read from the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15:4 where Peter pinpointed to one incident that was essential commonality: Both the Jews and Gentiles received the Holy Spirit. Nothing more.

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