Friday, April 29, 2011

Diplomats and Prophets

This week we had our annual staff meeting as an organization. The venue was a beautiful place, Yelagiri Hills, in Tamil Nadu. At the foot of the hills, the weather is hot and dusty. But the moment you reach top, it’s pretty chilled and pleasant.

In our meeting, an excellent Bible, Mr R Stanley, came to share the Word of God to us. What a privilege to hear from this man of God! He has inspired every missionary present there.

I like to share one that really challenged me. That is on Diplomats and Prophets.

He warned us that there are many pastors, leaders and missionaries who get so acquainted with the daily news and trends that they know how to respond each situation well. But when it comes to reflection on God’s Word, there are now powerful words.

This alarmed me. It is now almost 6 months, since I began to read the news of my own state, Arunachal Pradesh, extensively. I began to read every day. Even wrote letters to the editor. I spoke with friends a lot about the developments and issues that are happening. I began to verbally criticise our leaders. In short, I was too immersed in the trends of the state.

I realized something is going off track. My purpose is not to be a political or a social voice.

God has called me to be a prophetic voice. I am to speak His Word, provide suggestions from His word and enable others to understand it better our Lord. There is no substitute.

I felt I slipped that for a while.

But now I am back again. This week once again I am renewed and challenged to keep God’s Word to the highest level in my life.

I am sure we’ll keep on facing some kind of distractions once in a while. I pray each one of us will continue to remain steady and steadfast to the call God has for you.

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