Friday, June 14, 2024

Daily Diary of My Brothers Treament

My younger brother had severe headaches and body pain, started on 31 May 2023. He did not take much serious since it was like a mild fever.
Dad had similar symptoms. He had some injections from the Gandhigram medical center, run by Karuna Trus and he recovered. While those similar treatment did not work for my brother.
As his sickness persisted, the Gandhigram doctor advised to take Widal Test for typhoid, which tested positive and he was treated accordingly. Five injections given.
But no relief. Doctor prescribed additional medicines some of which were purchased from Miao. Even those medicines did not help while the patient was growing weaker each day.
Finally on the 10 June, family members decided to bring him to higher hospital and tried to airlift from Vijoynagar to Miao. The flight didn't come due to bad weather.
Then they tried for ambulance,which was inaugurated last year on 13th August. They provided that facility with minimum charge for fuel. 
Journey started at 1:30pm. Arrived Miao 9 pm. Took short break. Then left for Margherita Mayflower Hospital and arrived hospital at 11:30 pm. The hospital staff were waiting and admitted directly on arrival.
Taken right on arrival at 11.49pm on 10 Jun. His body, head, face were swollen. He can barely speak. We had to help him when he gets up.
Since it was late at night, no diagnosis were done but provided some relief medicines until the following morning. 
Blood test, urine tests and sonography conducted. Diagnosed an infections in kidney. 
12 June: His smile returned after a day of treatment. Much of Headaches and fever disappeared. He can now drink some water. And slowly he could walk to bathroom by himself.
13 June: He had breakfast of dal and bindi boil. Also handsome plums and grapes. Also ghila bhat. By the way, the haicut credit goes to sister in law!!
13 June: Dinner included some rice, bindi boil, dal. Now he talk louder. Now he can speak of his family and kids.
He had mango, water melon, plum and even a cold drink. Perhaps cold drink idea was not good. He had fever inflation in evening. That was one reason his doctor deferred another day for discharge. Otherwise we were to leave hospital 14th afternoon.
14 June: Much better today. Fever subsided. He had Puri and chai for breakfast, the first since he became sick.
For lunch, I got a regular meal, but lesser quantity from a hotel called Phukan opposite of the Hospital. The owners cook simple food fit for patients and they are quite friendly, even willing to customise according to patients needs. He had one additional items to his menu: two green chillies.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Paddy plants: plantation to harvest

10 July 2022 
Just transplanted, looks yellowish
24 July 2022
Two weeks later
31 July 2022
Changed to green. Beautiful
28 August 2022
Almost two months now. Will flower soon.

Construction of a Worship House

20 February 2024
Digging of foundation began. Measurements were done fews days earlier.
The first load of sand and pebbles for the foundation.
12 March 2024
We had to cut wood from jungle.
13 March 2024
Wood preparation and finishing.
21 March 2024
Structure erected. Roofs completed.
23 March
Wall below the windows done. 
27 March
Wall partially done.

Wall completed. Windows and door remains.
10 May
Work of concrete flooring by volunteers 
Concretizing the floor

Women volunteers have their lunch 
Extending porch.