Saturday, May 05, 2012

I remember a parable

This evening electricity cut in our area and we went for evening walk. Its full moon and quite a pleasant moment. As we walk, we found many new building constructions began. Many workers’ temporary shed are built. A family was having dinner, outdoors. And a men’s group was out chatting loudly. Some were playing songs on their mobile phones.
Then the Parable of the workers in the vineyard came to my mind (Matthew 20:1-16). Here are a group of people hired to work in a house construction.

Two years ago, I happen to visit morning hours at Kamnahalli, Bangalore. I saw many workers with their implements waiting to be hired.

Then I realize there are job markets like among others, where employers and employees find their match.

Even in Christian ministries, we have lots of advertisements. Forerunner comes to mind as the top list on this area.

After reflecting on this, I began to appreciate the ability of our Lord to teach about the Kingdom of God from an extremely relevant example in life.

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