Saturday, March 31, 2012

Old Ways of Learning Bible

Very often I see people take notes of sermons in church. I consider them as old fashion. I believed its sufficient to learn the Word of God just by listening.

I changed that philosophy about three weeks ago. Because its been seven years since I attended to a church in Bangalore. There are excellent Bible teachers and they preach good messages every Sunday. Sometime sermons are on the Book of Romans.

Now I regret I have not taken any notes from those years. If I had taken notes of last seven years, I would have lots of messages. That would have been an easy reference for preaching!

So now I began taking notes. I have separate notebook for Sunday.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ducks and Rooster

Two days ago we were on our way home when we saw a strange fight. Three small ducks were fighting against a Rooster. The ducks were small, but they adopted interesting strategies:

  • Sometimes they attacked all at once, though much slower speed.
  • Other times, one at a time.
  • They receive big blows, but did not give up.
I watch for a while, and they were still continuing. Then I left reflecting these words:

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12

Standing together… We need friends, advisors in life.

Friday, March 02, 2012

Hymns and Songs

I enjoyed a lot during the last Christmas celebration at Shidi. There were beautiful songs composed by young people. Those stood among the young composers were Aphu T-M-PHU and Commando. Its exciting these young gifted boys are using their gifts.

Each have organized its members, all young teens. They rehearsed about 20 songs. Singing in church began even before the Christmas. At Christmas venue they sang whole night. Incredible commitment!

My heart goes, “If those songs were used in churches”. Perhaps we might witness powerful singing in the congregation. We sing hymns which were composed about 200-300 years ago (not to offend hymn lovers!) and in another culture. So we don’t hear very energetic singing in church, but serious faces.

Would God question us for not using the songs our young people are composing? We may need to answer him?

If… If we use the young people’s songs, would:
·         Sale of songbooks exceed hymn books?
·         Congregational singing become more livelier?
·         Revival take place?
·         That increase church attendance?

Today I read a beautiful verse for the first time: Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth (Psalms 96:1). God wants us to sing new songs to him.
