Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sheep and Goats


I used to think that Sheep and Goats do not mix. The Bible portrayed Jesus as Shepherd of Sheep. He is never “Shepherd of Goats”.

But then there is a person next to our rented home in Bangalore, where he took care of both. They all graze together. They do not fight.

The only difference I observed is at the time of going home. The care-taker just calls a word and all follow after him.

But it’s not the sheep that responded first, but goats!  Goats are always first. Sheep follow slowly. Moreover, they run slow. Goats are first!

That reminds me Jesus’ word: “…the people of this world are much more shrewd in handling their affairs than the people who belong to the light. (Luke 16:8, GNB)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Challenge Your Habits, Assumptions and Attitudes

Do have someone who challenged your commonly held assumptions or attitudes?

Today a colleague of mine pointed out to me that my usual tendency is not to direct the result. Most of the time I tend to drift along with others as per their convenience. I did not realize that until he pointed me out. Then that became very clear to me. So from today I begin my ministry from a fresh perspective.

I could defend but I didn’t. That’s for good because I want to grow to be an effective person in God’s Kingdom business.

Another time, my brother told me, “Go ahead and talk. You have been thinking too long.” That is pretty straight forward. That’s another good observation for my development. I need to talk quickly and when needed.

With these two feedbacks on my life, I benefited much. Another two dimensions of my life is improving.

I learned one lesson: Respect those who challenge you. They  have mustered courage to confront you. They meant for good.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

It is finished

Today I began my office hours setting the target. Except for a phone call and a reading passage, I achieved everything I need to for today. I feel like saying, "It is finished".

Pretty satisfied, I leave for home now, 5.30 pm.

